Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years.

发布时间: 2019-07-16 14:23:20 【浏览字号: 来源: 河南省教育厅
Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years.

Section A (1a-2c)

洛阳市第四十八中学 郭异斐


  本课教材选自人教版英语教科书八年级下册 Unit 10 Section A部分。本单元的主题是“拥有的物品”。Section A讨论旧物处理的方式,贴合学生实际。

  1. To grasp the new words: yard sale, toy, bear, scarf...;
  2. To talk about the old things with the Present Perfect Tense;
  3. To talk about how long we have owned a certain thing with for and since;
  4. To listen for the specific information;
  5. To learn to cherish everything we have owned and deal with the old things properly.
  1. Using the Present Perfect Tense;
  2. The using of for and since.

  Step 1. Lead-in
  1. Teacher shows some old things and introduce them in the class.
  Teacher: Yesterday I cleaned my house. There are some old things. Look at the suitcase. Can you guess how old is it? Do you have any old things?
  2. Brainstorming.
  Teacher: How can we deal with the old things?
  Student 1: We can sell them.
  Student 2: We can give them to the poor.
  Step 2. Amy’s Old Things  (New Words)
  Teacher: Amy also has some old things. What are they?
  Show some pictures of Amy’s old things. Students speak out together.

  Step 3. Presentation 1 : How Amy Sells the Old Things
  Teacher:Amy wants to sell some of her old things. What should she do? Now she goes to a yard sale.
  Task 1 Background Knowledge: Yard Sale
  Watch a video of Yard Sale.
  Task 2 Listening. Work on 1b.
  Teacher:Amy and Jeff are talking about the yard sale. Listen and check the facts you hear.
  Task 3 Help Amy to make sentences according to the pictures with the sentence pattern: How long have you had the sweater? I have had it for three years.
  Task 4 Squat Game.
  Each group chooses a time to represent yourselves. The first group speak out, “ How long have you had it, how long have you had it? I have had it for ….” If the first group speak your group time, your group should squat, speak out and choose another group time you want to frame.
  任务三和四是在学生听力活动后的练习。在听力活动中,学生们接触到了本课的重点句型:How long have you had …?I have had it for ….。但是,学生刚刚接触本句型会比较陌生,因此,通过一个模仿造句的活动使学生学会运用句型;通过一个“萝卜蹲”的游戏使学生在短时间内反复听说、熟练句型。这两个任务为下面学生自己进行同桌对话提供了便利。
  Task 5 Pair work. Have a class sale and make a conversation with your deskmate.
  Basic Sentences
  A: How long have you had ...?   B: I have had ... for ... .

  Step 4. Presentation 2: Keep or Give away
  Teacher: Amy has sold some of the old things. Her mother and she are wondering how to deal with the rest.
  Task 1 Listening. Work on 2a to find out what they are going to keep and what they are going to give away.
  Task 2 Listening. Work on 2b to fill in the blanks.
  Task 3 Fill in the blanks: Since or For.
  1. He has lived in Henan ________ three years.
  2. I’ve known him _________ we were children.
  3. Our teacher has studied Japanese ________ three years ago.
  4. It’s about ten years ________ she left the city.
  Task 4 Groupwork. Do a survey in your group and fill in the box below. Complete the box and present your result in your own words.









How to deal with




How long




  Step 5. What should we do to deal with our things?
  Show some pictures of poor children who are lack of necessities but still happy.
  We should help others and cherish what we have owned.
  Step 6. Homework
  1. Preview and role-play the conversation between Amy and Linda in 2d.
  2. Make a conversation with you friends to talk about your old things.
  3. Deal with some of your old things that you don’t use. Take some pictures and share your experience next class.